140- Open Red/ Black Angus heifers.NM
Approximately thirty black heifers the balance are red angus. In good flesh weighing 700 lbs. and current on vaccinations High quality heifers ready for bulls located near Texico, NM $2050.00
New Listings
2906: 50- Young Angus/AngusX pair KS.
2907: 35-Young Angus pair/ heavy bred NM
2908: 91- Short term heavy bred crossbreds NM
2909: 168- Short term heavy bred Angus. NM
2910: 165- Heavy bred Angus/ AngusX heifers.
2911: 61- Short term Angus pair.
2912: 74- Young crossbred pair/bred
2913: 55- Young. Exposed Angus plus an Brahman.
2914: 140- Heavy bred Angus heifers.
2915: 46- Coming three year old second calve Angus.
2916: 150- Running age black /crossbred pair.
2917: 120- Young spring calving Angus.KS
2918: 250- spring calving Northern Angus.NM
2919: 62 -Fancy spring calving Black Baldie heifers.
2920: 28- Fancy spring calving Angus heifers.
2921: 32- Heavy bred Angus plus heifers.
2922: 15- Heavy bred Brangus baldie heifers.
2923: 40- Spring calving angus/ baldies KS
2924: 45- Young spring calving Angus.
2925: 140- Open Red/ Black Angus heifers.NM
2926: 15- Young crossbred pair.
2927: 47- Young spring calving crossbred
2928: 82-Young heavy bred Angus/Angus plus
2929: 50- Black red charx pair.
2930: 45 - Young heavy/med bred Angus/Angus plus.